Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about JEWZY

Question: I’m not Jewish - is JEWZY for me?

Are matzo balls round? JEWZY is for everyone. If you love great cinema and TV and want hassle-free access to awesome content with a Jew-ish flavour, JEWZY is for you.

Question: What does JEWZY mean?

“JEWZY” is our shared American-English-Yiddish language. You don’t have to be Jewish to use CHUTZPAH, SCHMOOZ, SCHLEP – Jew-ish terms that are ‘JEWZY’.
Let’s put the word JEWZY in the dictionary!

Question: What makes JEWZY different?

Our Quality Content: JEWZY shows premium movie titles and TV

Our Ethos: JEWZY is the new positive reason be a proud Jewish American

Our Range: No-one else offers the full choice of news, A-lister Hollywood, Comedy, Drama, Best of Israel, Best of Diaspora and all with a heart of joy and naches!

We have UNIQUE access to top tier titles

We find the Jew-ish titles generally NOT available anywhere else

Our speciality is HIDDEN GEMS of Jewish American entertainment

Whatever your interest in America, Israel or the Jewish people,

However great, little or none!

JEWZY is for you.

Question: Is subscribing the only way to experience JEWZY?

Yes – for the moment. When we have enough subscribers, we intend to offer a variety of options. This should include Watch For Free with Ads OR Skip the Ads with a monthly or annual subscription.

Question: Is JEWZY just for American audiences?

Yes – for the moment. As soon as funds permit, we will go global. We intend to supply every territory where there are Jewish populations and perhaps further.

Question: I’m a producer/distributor - how do I get my wonderful film/TV program on JEWZY?

We are always interested in top-quality, so we’d love to hear from you - send us a message and let’s talk

Question: What if I want to pause or cancel my subscription?

While we would hate to see you go, you can cancel or simply pause your subscription in the “Settings” section of the app or site. When you cancel, your video access will continue until the next charging cycle, but don’t worry; you will not be charged any further. JEWZY is the new digital Home of Jew-ish American Entertainment!

Subscribe. Enjoy.

Question: What is JEWZY's political or religious orientation?

JEWZY is neither political nor religious. We are pro-Jewish and pro-Israel. JEWZY intends to be a positive force for the good of all. We are a completely private company with no backing from any lobbyists.

Our remit is to entertain.